Saturday 5 September 2009

John Perkins media star

Following a great article about John and the Masdar Institute in the Straits Times in Singapore they were featured in two of our major national papers today. The new students officially start courses tomorrow so he was interviewed by The National and Gulf News on Thursday and two articles appeared today.
You should be able to view The National by following the link

However, if that doesn't work just go to The National's web site and key in 'Masdar' into the search engine and you will get the article. I'm still working on the link to Gulf News.
Today John has gone to Iftar with the Minister for Higher Education which is a great honour and he is waiting the call to meet the Crown Prince. I am so proud of him and the work he is doing. I am trying to make sure that it gives me a purpose for being here which has to be more in terms of changing the world than anything I've done before. Unfortunately I do find it hard when that purpose has a habit of getting in the way of the weekend! However, I don't imagine anyone changed the world during office hours 5 days a week!

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